PracticeMojo is used by thousands of dental practices to communicate with patients, improve productivity, and increase profitability by saving time and reducing no-shows.

To help you further “try before you buy” we’ve highlighted the key features you’ll enjoy with PracticeMojo. Plus, with PracticeMojo you can rest easy knowing there’s zero contracts or commitment.

Below is a sample what you’ll enjoy with PracticeMojo.

Dental Reminder Postcards from PracticeMojo

Communication Campaigns That Work

With 400+ campaigns and the ability to get custom campaigns built, you can deliver ideal messages to specific groups of patients at once. PracticeMojo offers multiple ways to communication with patients including:


Text Reminders


Below is a sample text message a patient may receive from your practice when using the PracticeMojo service:

PracticeMojo Dental Reminder Text


Email Reminders


When you email patients using PracticeMojo, you make it easy for them to confirm their appointment and get key contact details. Below is an example:

PracticeMojo Appointment Confirmation


Dental Postcards


Additionally, all PracticeMojo plans also include the ability to send postcards to your patients (additional charges may apply). Below are a few of the many postcard designs you can send to patients for an additional personalized touch.

Dental Reminder Postcards from PracticeMojo


Automated Phone Calls


Phone reminders are also not a thing of the past. With PracticeMojo Partnered and Managed plans, you can automate phone calls to patients while keeping a warm and personalized experience. Below is an example of a recording.

Click the button below to listen to sample of what patients will hear in an automated voice message!

Listen to Audio

Access Over 400 Marketing Campaigns to Easily Send to Patients

Not only is PracticeMojo used to remind patients about their upcoming appointments, but our prebuilt campaigns can be used to recall inactive patients, send eNewsletters, remind patients to use their benefits before year end, and so much more. Here is a sample of some of the prebuilt campaigns that are ready to go when you sign up.

Dental Reminder Postcards from PracticeMojo

But wait! There’s still more great features that you’ll enjoy.

Online Reviews Management

To help you build trust and transparency with potential patients online, you must have incredible reviews – and a lot of them at that! That’s why all PracticeMojo plans include the Dental Reviews Pro feature which helps you collect, manage, and showcase positive patient reviews online.

Facebook Posts

Having a strong social presence online is a must to increase referrals and engage with patients. With the Facebook Pro feature, you’ll receive two Facebook posts and one image to easily share on your Facebook Business Page and increase interaction and engagement with your practice.

Below are examples of the posts we have shared with our clients:

  • Have you had your oral cancer screening this year? Early detection is the key- schedule an appointment to get checked.
  • Do not pull out baby teeth as tempting as it may be! You can risk infection or can injure them. Instead, take 5 minutes a day to wiggle the loose tooth and eventually it’ll come out.

Want even more ideas? Get 15 FREE Facebook post ideas for your practice today. We created a sample pack of 15 ready-to-go Facebook posts that you can copy and paste to your practice’s page.

Download Now

Enjoy Proven Results with Incredible Return on Investment

As a dentist, you want to ensure you are investing in systems and software that help your practice increase productivity, profitability, and your bottom line.

With PracticeMojo, our prices are so low that when we help you prevent just one patient per month from missing an appointment (~$250 in production), you’ll make your money back for the month right then and there!

And when PracticeMojo activates just one more patient each month than your current system, you’ll make an additional $6,000 that year – a 200% return on your investment with a minimal response!

But these stats still fall below our average client’s results. In fact, on average, we help our clients see an incredible 5000% return on their investment from our services.

Get $50 back for every dollar you spend with PracticeMojo.

Request a demo to learn more about PracticeMojo and why dental practices rely on us for their automated patient communication needs.

Stop wasting precious time and money on an ineffective system and learn how we can help you improve patient communications and engagement while reducing no-shows for your practice today!