Your patients today are constantly texting – so why shouldn’t your practice be part of the mix? Texting patients appointment reminders can help improve response rates and overall satisfaction when communicating with them in the way that they prefer.

When looking for a dental appointment reminder provider, here are three must-have features that your solution should have:

  1. Family messaging. No one wants to get 5+ appointment reminders for themselves and all of their children. Make sure your text features include family messaging, so you may communicate one appointment reminder for the entire family. Busy moms everywhere will thank you.
  1. Two-way messaging. If a patient has a question about an upcoming appointment, sending a reminder text message may trigger a patient to think of a question that they have before their appointment. To make it easy for them to ask the question, don’t make them pick up the phone to call your practice. Instead, look for a provider that offers two-way texting so you can communicate with patients in a safe, secure, and efficient manner. 
  1. Timing is everything. There is a fine-line between being professional and being overly-aggressive. Make sure you test your text message appointment reminders to find the perfect balance of giving enough time to patients but not bombarding them with messages leading up to their appointment. You’ll want to make sure your provider also offers flexibility in helping you decide how often text messages are sent and to whom.

The more you can communicate with patients in the ways that they prefer, the greater your response rate, satisfaction, and patient loyalty will be. To learn more about PracticeMojo’s automated text messaging solutions, click here or call (800) 556-2580 to talk with a Practice Coach.